Robotics at Princeton consists of faculties and research groups working on robotics from various departments at Princeton University. We work on a wide variety of research areas in robotics including perception, control, learning, and planning. Our applications span manipulation, locomotion, drones, autonomous vehicles, construction, architecture, and soft robots. We are constantly expanding, and we welcome new faculties and students to join our collaborative effort. All welcome statement
Core Faculty
Safety-Critical Learning and Control, Human Interaction
Nonlinear Control and Dynamics, Multi-Agent Systems
Safety and Generalization Guarantees
Swarm robotics and AI, Underwater robots
Origami Robotics
3D Representation, Localization and Planning
Large-Scale Robot Learning, Long-Horizon Reasoning
Planning and Learning
Intelligent Sensing
Bioinspired Locomotion; Avian-inspired flow control
Human-Robot Interaction, Augmented Reality
Machine learning, manufacturing, soft robotics
Human-Robot Collaboration, Construction Robotics, Additive Manufacturing
Robotics in Construction
Optimization and Learning Dynamical Systems
Geometric deep learning; Physics-guided AI for forecasting and control
Soft robotics; programmable matter
3D Vision
Control and Reinforcement Learning, Optimization
Human-Robot Collaboration, Construction Robotics, Extended Reality Systems
Robotic additive manufacturing, Architected materials
Vision, Human Interaction
Data-Driven Optimization and Control